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We offer top-quality cutting tools.



Special offer "Cajhen 30+"

The economical choice for achieving excellent results: Cajhen solid carbide (VHM) milling cutters and drill bits are available at special prices for orders of at least 30 pieces.

We would like to present you the Cajhen solid carbide (VHM) milling cutters and drill bits in the "30 PLUS" OFFER (special prices for orders of at least 30 pieces). Several types of cutters and drill bits are available.

Examples of tools (30+pcs order):
  • Sharp-edged cutter 6x40x6 Z4 for only 13,49 €/piece
  • Chamfer 10x45x10 Z4 for only 19,49 €/piece
  • Edge radius milling cutter 12x54x12 Z4 for only 25,07 €/piece
  • Sharp-edged cutter 20x65x20 Z4 for only 49,91 €/piece
Would you like to receive a quotation for other Cajhen tools under special, favorable conditions? Let us know the tool’s specifications and we'll make you a great no-obligation offer!


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