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Award for the best thesis

We were delighted when we received information that our employee Jernej Pertinač received the award for the best thesis in the Celje region and was selected as the best in the country.

The recognition was also received by his mentor in the company, director Mr. Marjan Humar.

Jernej also received recognition from the Community of High Schools of the Republic of Slovenia for the inclusion of his graduation thesis entitled Designing a dedicated profile PKD milling machine in the company Cajhen d.o.o., in the selection for the best graduation thesis at the higher professional schools of the Republic of Slovenia in 2023.
Also, our director Mr. Marjan Humar received awards from the Community of High Schools of the Republic of Slovenia for:
  • mentoring in the company of Jerne Pertinač for the above-mentioned thesis, which was nominated for the best thesis at the higher professional schools of the Republic of Slovenia in 2023;
  • nomination for the best mentor in the company, according to the selection of higher professional schools, in 2023.

Congratulations for awards and recognitions! 
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