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We offer top-quality cutting tools.



of cutting tools




Sharpening tools of all brands and shapes

We sharpen cutting tools on 5-axis CNC machines, restoring the efficiency of used tools to that of a new tool. Before coating, we appropriately round the sharp edges of the product – "Edge preparation." After sharpening, the tool is coated with super-hard coatings from Oerlikon-Balzers.

We also offer our customers delivery services. We pick up products in need of sharpening at your location and return them to you after the process is completed.


Sharpening - grinding circular saws blades

We have extensive experience and the best sharpening processes in the field of circular saw blade grinding - circular saws for metal, wood and other materials. 

We provide this service for the most demanding customers in the automotive industry, toolmaking and several other industries. We carry it out professionally, efficiently, reliably and quickly. We have one of the largest capacities for sharpening this type of cutting tools in the country!

Check our competitive conditions and prices for sharpening or grinding.

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Oerlikon-Balzers coatings

After sharpening, the tool is coated with super-hard coatings from Oerlikon-Balzers. With these coatings, we extend the sharpening cycle and reduce costs for our clients.
We restore new or usable efficiency to the tool

With sharpening, we restore the efficiency of your used tool to that of a new tool. We provide our clients with smooth production at a lower cost than creating new tools.
Quality control of sharpened tools

Just like new tools, the tools sharpened by us are finally measured on high-precision measuring devices before being handed over to the clients.



Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to sharpen a cutting tool?

Sharpening takes two weeks. During this time, we sharpen and recoat the tools. Sharpened tools generally achieve 100 % of the new tool's properties.
How can I order the sharpening of a cutting tool?

You can simply send us worn-out tools by mail, or we can arrange for a courier to pick up and deliver the tools. In this case, transportation is free.
Can we lease a monthly overhaul of the cutting tools from you?

Due to the nature of use, we do not offer this option.
What are the prices for sharpening cutting tools?

The sharpening price in most cases ranges from 20 % to 30 % of the price of a new tool.



Special offer

Together with our sales representatives, we have prepared a selection of the best offers from our sales program.


Our competitive advantages


From desire to solution within 24 hour

We offer a short response time from inquiry to offer..

Production with modern technology

Our products are produced on the most modern CNC grinding machines.

Consulting on processing technology selection.

We help you find a powerful and economical solution for your requirements.


Do you want to contact us?

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